Your time is money. Our scanning projects ensure that searching through records is time effective.

We specialize in providing cutting-edge scanning services for law clients. Our expertise lies in handling legal discovery scanning projects for defendant companies and their attorneys, aiming to enhance the predictability of discovery costs. Our knowledgeable team understands the intricate searches conducted by attorneys during the discovery process and excels at identifying valuable records with precision, be it at the page level or through specific keywords. By minimizing the time spent, we effectively reduce costs, recognizing that your time is a valuable asset.

To spare you the inconvenience of travel associated with discovery projects, our dedicated teams can visit record storage locations to survey and identify the necessary records using our comprehensive indexing

process. Subsequently, we meticulously scan all discoverable records and securely deliver them through our advanced cloud storage portal.

Consider the expenses you may incur when faced with a discovery:

1. Onsite visits for surveying record inventory

2. Determining the contents of the record inventory

3. Identifying which records should be scanned

4. Delivering the scanned records

By entrusting us with your legal discovery scanning needs, we streamline the entire process, allowing you to focus on winning your case with timely and accurate information, while we take care of the logistical aspects of record accessibility.

Most significantly, we reduce your liability for records breaches, especially if you store them in rented warehouse spaces. Rest assured, our services prioritize the security and confidentiality of your sensitive data.

Experience a hassle-free and efficient legal discovery scanning process by partnering with us. Let us empower you with the resources and expertise needed to present your case confidently, backed by timely, accurate information.